The Poul la Cour Museum is proud to receive support from a large group of sponsors, without whom it would have been an impossible task to not only preserve Poul la Cour’s contributions to Denmark’s leading role in global in wind energy development, but also an important piece of Danish cultural history.
Today, there is a broad recognition of the importance of Poul la Cour’s work to the modern wind turbine industry. It was in these buildings — now home to the Poul la Cour Museum — that he performed his groundbreaking experiments. Therefore, there is a great deal of understanding among the museum’s many sponsors of the need to preserve this historic experimental site.
The museum’s sponsors include companies, foundations and private individuals who, with both small and large contributions, help preserve the history of a man and his inventions.
If you would like to contribute to the continued development of the Poul la Cour Museum, please contact Chairman Bjarke Thomassen by phone at +45 2763 7036 or by emailing
Sponsor list:
Prins Joachim og Prinsesse Alexandras Fond | Melaplast GmbH |
Vindmølleindustrien | C.C.JENSEN A/S |
Bonus Energy A/S | DONG Energy A/S |
LM Wind Power A/S | Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Risø |
NEG-Micon A/S | Siemens Wind Power A/S |
Nordex A/S | Vattenfall Vindkraft A/S |
Vestas Wind System A/S | Danmarks Vindmølleforening |
Rambøll Fonden | TRE-FOR |
Svendborg Brakes A/S | Miljø- og Energifonden af 2005 |
Frimodt Heineke Fonden | LAG Vejen |
Lykkegaards Maskinfabrik | Annelise og Gilbert Jensens Mindelegat |
Hans Friesesdahl A/S | Askov Bylaug |
KK-electronic A/S | Brüel & Kjær Vibro |
Teknatex | Bent Lykkegaard |
P.N. Erichsen A/S | Frede Tønning |
Windcast Group A/S | Ejgil Holst |
Scanvib ApS | Erik Skjærbæk |
Niebuhr Tandhjulsfabrik A/S | Frimodt Heineke Fonden |
ABB A/S | Norman El-Installation |
Reichhold Danmark A/S | Ret & Råd Vejen |
Garre Transformere A/S | Skare Meet |
A.H. Bolte A/S | Sydbank |
PMC Technology A/S | Tuemand Holding aps |
DS Gruppen A/S | Vejen Kommune |
Siemens A/S | Vindmølleforeningen |
Hallkvist Trading A/S | Nordea Fonden Vejen |
Nykredit A/S | Erik Skjærbæk |
Sonning Fonden | Tech-Wise A/S |
Frisesdahl | WINDCAST |
Ellehammerfonden | Jørgensen & Utoft A/S |
Statens Kunstråd | Margrethe og Johs. F. la Cours Fond |
Bygningsbevaringsfonden af 1975 | SKF |
EU Raphael programmet | SE Fonden |
Vejen VVS Service ApS | Poul la Cour Museets Venner |
VVS Jørgen Schmidt | SE’s Vækstpulje |
Brandkassefonden Sydvest | NN, navn ønskes ikke oplyst |
VM Flag & Stænger A/S | Naturvidenskabsfestivalen |
Expert Radio & TV | Andrew D. Garrad |
Boisens Møbelfabrik | Rationel Tagdækning A/S |
Norman El-installationer |